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"The Pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity, the optimist sees opportunity is every difficulty" - Winston churchill

Whats New...  
 28.6.24 - Committee corrected,  Agility Classes redefined.

** SOATC - Celebrating 50 years since its registration with the UK Kennel Club **


ANNUAL AGILITY AWARDS    (Submit Your Points)

**Annual Awards are currently on hold**

What are Annual Agility Awards?                  


Every year all club members have the chance to win fabulous awards, which are presented at our AGM in November. The SOATC Annual Agility Awards run from 1st October through to 30th September each year.  Points are awarded for a top ten place and clear rounds at both KC and non KC shows. At the end of each Awards year the handler/dog in each individual category will be crowned the SOATC League Champions. In all categories, points will be awarded as below.


  • League 1 - Best Grade 7 (Combined Small / Medium / Intermediate / Large)
  • League 2 - Best Grade 5-6 (Combined Small / Medium / Intermediate / Large)
  • League 3 - Best Grade 1-4 (Combined Small / Medium / Intermediate / Large)
  • League 4 - Best Anysize / Veteran
  • Points

    KC Shows

    • 1st - 11 points
    • 2nd - 10 points
    • 3rd - 9 points
    • 4th - 8 points
    • 5th - 7 points
    • 6th - 6 points
    • 7th - 5 points
    • 8th - 4 points
    • 9th - 3 points
    • 10th - 2 points
    • Unplaced Clear Round: 1 point (within the course time).

    Points can only be claimed for places that are awarded. If the show only awards places to 5th, for example, then only places down to 5th can be claimed for.

    Non-KC Shows (e.g: UKA / Agility Nuts, etc)

    • 1st - 6 points
    • 2nd - 5 points
    • 3rd - 4 points
    • 4th - 3 points
    • 5th - 2 points
    • Unplaced Clear Round: 1 point (within the course time).

    Points can only be claimed for places that are awarded. If the show only awards places to 5th, for example, then only places down to 5th can be claimed for.


    • Points must be submitted by the end of the month following the date of the show. i.e.: points claimed for a show in April, must be submitted by the end of May
    • The SOATC Annual Awards are only open to members of SOATC and points can only be accumulated from the date of membership.
    • Points can be gained from KC shows and Non-KC Shows (e.g: UKA / Agility Nuts).
    • Points cannot be claimed for special classes such as Teams, Adams Derby, Champ FInals, semi-finals, invitation events, etc.
    • Only awarded places or unplaced clear rounds within the course time, in scheduled single-dog classes that meet with the committee's approval can be counted. For KC shows, points can only be claimed for "standard" classes with the exception of the following:
      Championship classes; the Jumping and Agility qualifying rounds may be claimed for but not the Final.
    • Special classes such as ABC, Gamblers, Power and Speed, Snooker, Helter Skelter, Steeplechase etc. at any show will not be allowed.
      If you are entering League 4 - Veteran / Allsorts / Anysize league then points from these "special" classes are accepted.
    • In all categories, points are for one dog only, i.e. points for more than one dog are not added together. Where two dogs have an equal number of points the number of wins will be used to determine which takes the higher place, followed (if necessary) by the number of 2nds, 3rds, etc.
    • Within the points 'year' a dog can only be entered in ONE category.  If you win out a grade during the points year, you will remain in the league you were in at the beginning of the points year.
    • Results must be sumitted online and by the end of the month following the date of the show.